Knockout Festival in VIlnius
Pievienots 25. janvāris 2022

Dear poker players!
Olympic Poker Club Lithuania is inviting you to Knockout Festival that will be held in Olympic Casino located at Konstitucijos av. 20 Vilnius.
On February 12th KnockOut Festival will kick off and will finish on 20th of February. KnockOut tournaments now are most popular tournaments in Lithuania and this poker series is offering 9 days tournaments action and all will be KnockOut tournaments. During festival organizer offering to play 5 side events with buy-in from 110€, High Roller with 500 € buy-in and Main event with two starting days and buy-in 250€.
Please check the schedule in the link.
Previous Knockout Festivals was overcrowded, and we are expecting even more players and bigger prizepools. This tournament format gives tons of action at the tables, all tournaments will be with re-entries. Also we do not forget cash game players; tables will be available after closing first tournament table.
For more info and seats reservation please contact
See you in Vilnius soon!
Best Regards,